
人間万事塞翁が馬を大切にしている応用経済学徒. 2020年4月から開発・計量・プログラミング関連の記事を書きます.

社会科学のためのデータ分析入門 章末問題解答(2章-3) Rコード



はじめに (Textbook Solution: Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction )


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2章-1 (Chapter2 - Section 1)


## Chapter 2 Causality 
## Exercise Solution

setwd("~/qss/CAUSALITY") # ご自身のディレクトリを選択

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## The author of this script uses Japanese-Version QSS.
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## Section 3
## Q1

leader <- read.csv("leaders.csv")


length(unique(leader$country)) # 88 countries
y <- nrow(leader) # 250 countries in total
z <- length(unique(leader$year)) # n of plots w/o overlaps
y / z # year mean of plots in those 88 countries

## Q2


## Create variable success in the original data frame.
## We use the logical disjunction (|) here 
## because the way to die does not matter. 

leader$success <- NA 
leader$success[leader$result == "dies between a day and a week" 
               | leader$result == "dies between a week and a month" 
               | leader$result == "dies within a day after the attack"
               | leader$result == "dies, timing unknown"
               ] <- 1

leader$success[leader$result == "hospitalization but no permanent disability" 
               | leader$result == "not wounded"
               | leader$result == "plot stopped"
               | leader$result == "survives but wounded severely"
               | leader$result == "survives, whether wounded unknown"
               | leader$result == "wounded lightly"
               ] <- 0

## leader <- leader[, -"sucess"] # Delete wrong variable name

mean(leader$success) # 21.6%

## Success of assassination attempt seems not to be done randomly. 
## Thus, the assumption is not valid. 

## Q3

tapply(leader$politybefore, leader$success, mean)
## The difference b/w the two is about 1.04, seems not to be trivial. 

tapply(leader$age, leader$success, mean)
## Aimed leader among sccuees is 3 years higher than among failure. 

## Q4

## Create a variable warbefore
leader$warbefore <- NA

leader$warbefore[leader$civilwarbefore == 1 
                 | leader$interwarbefore == 1] <- 1

## Notice that we have to use the logical cunjunction (&). 
leader$warbefore[leader$civilwarbefore != 1 
                 & leader$interwarbefore != 1] <- 0


war3b <- subset(leader, leader$warbefore == 1)

tapply(war3b$politybefore, war3b$success, mean)
tapply(war3b$age, war3b$success, mean)

## Among the countries where experience war have higher polity score. 
## Among them, age of ploted leaders are higher among success, diff. is trivial though. 

## Q5

## Create a variable warbefore
leader$warafter <- NA

leader$warafter[leader$civilwarafter == 1
                | leader$interwarafter == 1] <- 1

leader$warafter[leader$civilwarafter != 1
                & leader$interwarafter != 1] <- 0

war3a <- subset(leader, subset = (warafter == 1))

tapply(leader$warafter, leader$success, mean)
tapply(leader$polityafter, leader$success, mean)

## After success the rate of breaking out war is about 20%, 
## while its rate after failure is 30%. 

章末問題解答(1章-1) Rコード
章末問題解答(1章-2) Rコード https://www.econ-stat-grad.com/entry/statistics/qss/solution/ch1-2www.econ-stat-grad.com
