
人間万事塞翁が馬を大切にしている応用経済学徒. 2020年4月から開発・計量・プログラミング関連の記事を書きます.

社会科学のためのデータ分析入門 章末問題解答(2章-2) Rコード



はじめに (Textbook Solution: Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction )


I would highly appreciate if you could point out mistakes.

2章-1 (Chapter2 - Section 1)


## Chapter 2 Causality 
## Exercise Solution

setwd("~/qss/CAUSALITY") # ご自身のディレクトリを選択

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## The author of this script uses Japanese-Version QSS.
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## Section 2
## Q1

## Canvasser: ?K????

gay <- read.csv("gay.csv")

## Create subset for wave = 1 & study = 1.
wave1 <- subset(gay, gay$study == 1 & gay$wave == 1)
## wave1 <- subset(gay, subset = (study == 1) & (wave == 1)) 
## same as above

sum(gay$ssm) ## no missing value
wave1a <- tapply(wave1$ssm, wave1$treatment, mean)

## Q2

## Create subset for wave = 2 & study = 1.
wave2 <- subset(gay, gay$study == 1 & gay$wave == 2)

## Calculate mean for each of smm.
wave2a <- tapply(wave2$ssm, wave2$treatment, mean)

## Convert wave2a into data.frame for simplicity's sake.
wave1b <- as.data.frame(wave1a)
wave2b <- as.data.frame(wave2a)

## Sample Average Treatment Effect for the Treated for Gay & Straight
## Difference-in-Difference Estimators
DIDgay1 <- (wave2b[4,] - wave1b[4,]) - (wave2b[1,] - wave1b[1,])
DIDstraight1 <- (wave2b[5,] - wave1b[5,]) - (wave2b[1,] - wave1b[1,])

## Maybe this part (wave2b[1,] - wave1b[1,]) is not need?
## Please give me feedback on it :D.

## DID
DIDgay1 - DIDstraight1

## Q3

DIDgay2 <- (wave2b[2,] - wave1b[2,]) - (wave2b[1,] - wave1b[1,])
DIDstraight2 <- (wave2b[3,] - wave1b[3,]) - (wave2b[1,] - wave1b[1,])

## Interpretation: there is no big difference b/w the two
## that means there is a possibility that the bias does not exist. 

DIDgay2 - DIDstraight2

## Q4

## Create subsets for wave = 3:7 & study = 1
wave3 <- subset(gay, gay$study == 1 & gay$wave == 3)
wave4 <- subset(gay, gay$study == 1 & gay$wave == 4)
wave5 <- subset(gay, gay$study == 1 & gay$wave == 5)
wave6 <- subset(gay, gay$study == 1 & gay$wave == 6)
wave7 <- subset(gay, gay$study == 1 & gay$wave == 7)

## Calculate mean for each of smm.
wave3a <- tapply(wave3$ssm, wave3$treatment, mean)
wave4a <- tapply(wave4$ssm, wave4$treatment, mean)
wave5a <- tapply(wave5$ssm, wave5$treatment, mean)
wave6a <- tapply(wave6$ssm, wave6$treatment, mean)
wave7a <- tapply(wave7$ssm, wave7$treatment, mean)

## Convert waves into data.frame for simplicity's sake.
wave3b <- as.data.frame(wave3a)
wave4b <- as.data.frame(wave4a)
wave5b <- as.data.frame(wave5a)
wave6b <- as.data.frame(wave6a)
wave7b <- as.data.frame(wave7a)

## ATE
DIDgay3 <- (wave3b[4,] - wave1b[4,]) - (wave3b[1,] - wave1b[1,])
DIDstraight3 <- (wave3b[5,] - wave1b[5,]) - (wave3b[1,] - wave1b[1,])

DIDgay4 <- (wave4b[4,] - wave1b[4,]) - (wave4b[1,] - wave1b[1,])
DIDstraight4 <- (wave4b[5,] - wave1b[5,]) - (wave4b[1,] - wave1b[1,])

DIDgay5 <- (wave5b[4,] - wave1b[4,]) - (wave5b[1,] - wave1b[1,])
DIDstraight5 <- (wave5b[5,] - wave1b[5,]) - (wave5b[1,] - wave1b[1,])

DIDgay6 <- (wave6b[4,] - wave1b[4,]) - (wave6b[1,] - wave1b[1,])
DIDstraight6 <- (wave6b[5,] - wave1b[5,]) - (wave6b[1,] - wave1b[1,])

DIDgay7 <- (wave7b[4,] - wave1b[4,]) - (wave7b[1,] - wave1b[1,])
DIDstraight7 <- (wave7b[5,] - wave1b[5,]) - (wave7b[1,] - wave1b[1,])

DIDgay3; DIDga4; DIDgay5; DIDga6; DIDgay7
DIDstraight3; DIDstraight4; DIDstraight5; DIDstraight6; DIDstraight7

## DID

DIDgay1 - DIDstraight1
DIDgay3 - DIDstraight3
DIDgay4 - DIDstraight4
DIDgay5 - DIDstraight5
DIDgay6 - DIDstraight6
DIDgay7 - DIDstraight7

## The difference b/w gay & straight canvasser is still positive 
## even in wave 7, and effects seems to be lasted. 

## Q5

## Create subset & calculate means
study2 <- subset(gay, subset = (study == 2) & (wave == 1))
study2a <- tapply(study2$ssm, study2$treatment, mean)
study2b <- as.data.frame(study2a)

## Randomization seems to be done prorerly
## (because of almost no difference b/w two means). 

## Q6

## Create subset & calculate means
study2.2 <- subset(gay, subset = (study == 2) & (wave == 2))
study2.2a <- tapply(study2.2$ssm, study2.2$treatment, mean)
study2.2b <- as.data.frame(study2.2a)

DIDstudy2 <- (study2.2b[4,] - study2b[4, ]) - (study2.2b[1, ] - study2b[1, ])

## Compare the results of study 1 & study 2.
DIDstudy2; DIDgay1

## The difference seems not so big. We can conclude that 
## the result of study 2 of wave 2 is consistent with study 1. 

## Q7

## Create subsets of different waves
study3 <- subset(gay, subset = (study == 2) & (wave == 3))
study4 <- subset(gay, subset = (study == 2) & (wave == 4))
study7 <- subset(gay, subset = (study == 2) & (wave == 7))

## Create means of different waves
study3a <- tapply(study3$ssm, study3$treatment, mean)
study4a <- tapply(study4$ssm, study4$treatment, mean)
study7a <- tapply(study7$ssm, study7$treatment, mean)

## Convert 3 studies into data.frame for simplicity's sake.
study3b <- as.data.frame(study3a)
study4b <- as.data.frame(study4a)
study7b <- as.data.frame(study7a)

diff3 <- (study3b[4, ] - study2b[4, ]) - (study3b[1, ] - study2b[1, ])
diff4 <- (study4b[4, ] - study2b[4, ]) - (study4b[1, ] - study2b[1, ])
diff7 <- (study7b[4, ] - study2b[4, ]) - (study7b[1, ] - study2b[1, ])

diff3; diff4; diff7

## Study 2 also has the positive effects of asking by gay canvasser on
## marriage script. Overall, if gay canvasser asks about marriage, 
## rate of suppor for same-sex marriage become higher. 

章末問題解答(1章-1) Rコード
章末問題解答(1章-2) Rコード https://www.econ-stat-grad.com/entry/statistics/qss/solution/ch1-2www.econ-stat-grad.com
