
人間万事塞翁が馬を大切にしている応用経済学徒. 2020年4月から開発・計量・プログラミング関連の記事を書きます.

社会科学のためのデータ分析入門 章末問題解答(4章-1) Rコード



はじめに (Textbook Solution: Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction )


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2章-1 (Chapter2 - Section 1)


## Chapter 4 Prediction
## Exercise Solution

setwd("~/qss/PREDICTION") # ご自身のディレクトリを選択

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## The author of this script uses Japanese-Version QSS.
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## Section 1
## Q1

intrade08 <- read.csv("intrade08.csv") 
intrade12 <- read.csv("intrade12.csv")
pres08 <- read.csv("pres08.csv") # Election results
pres12 <- read.csv("pres12.csv")

head(intrade08); head(intrade12)
head(pres08); head(pres12) 
dim(intrade08); dim(intrade12)

## 2008

## calculate Obama's mergin
pres08$margin <- pres08$Obama - pres08$McCain # result

## calculate D-Paety's mergin
intrade08$margin <- intrade08$PriceD - intrade08$PriceR

## convert to a Date object
intrade08$day <- as.Date(intrade08$day)
class(intrade08$day) # object is changed to "date"


poll.pred08 <- rep(NA, 51)
poll.pred08 # this is just an empty vector
## extract unique state names which the loop will iterate through 
st.names <- unique(intrade08$state)

## add state names as labels for easy interpretation later on
names(poll.pred08) <- as.character(st.names) # element name is added 

## loop across 50 states plus DC
for (i in 1:51){
  ## subset the 2008 data
  before <- subset(intrade08, intrade08$day == "2008-11-03")
  before <- subset(before, subset = (state == st.names[i]))
  poll.pred08[i] <- before$margin

## predicted winners

## which state prediction called wrong? 
sign(poll.pred08) != sign(pres08$margin)
pres08$state[sign(poll.pred08) != sign(pres08$margin)]
## what was the actual margin for these states? 
pres08$margin[sign(poll.pred08) != sign(pres08$margin)]

## prediction using poll is more accurate than using market price of gambling

## 2012
## convert to a Date object
intrade12$day <- as.Date(intrade12$day)

## calculate Obama's mergin
pres12$margin <- pres12$Obama - pres12$Romney # result

## calculate D-Paety's mergin
intrade12$margin <- intrade12$PriceD - intrade12$PriceR

poll.pred12 <- rep(NA, 50)

## extract unique state names which the loop will iterate through 
st.names <- unique(intrade12$state)


## add state names as labels for easy interpretation later on
names(poll.pred12) <- as.character(st.names) # element name is added 


## loop across 50 states 
for (i in 1:50){
  ## subset the 2012 data
  before <- subset(intrade12, intrade12$day == "2012-11-05")
  before <- subset(before, subset = (state == st.names[i]))
  poll.pred12[i] <- before$margin

## predicted winners

## replace NA in predicted winners by 1
poll.pred12 <- replace(poll.pred12, which(is.na(poll.pred12)), 1)

## because their lengths are different -
## unique(intrade12$state) does not contain DC - 
## we need to omit DC from pres12$margin in order to arrange the lengths
length(pres12$margin); length(poll.pred12); length(unique(intrade12$state))
names(poll.pred08) %in% names(poll.pred12) # find place where state is different
poll.pred08[8]; poll.pred12[8]
poll.pred08[9]; poll.pred12[9] # 9th is DC in intrade12$state

## which state prediction called wrong? 
sign(poll.pred12) != sign(pres12$margin[-9])
pres12$state[sign(poll.pred12) != sign(pres12$margin[-9])]
## what was the actual margin for these states? 
pres12$margin[sign(poll.pred12) != sign(pres12$margin[-9])]

## prediction using poll is still more accurate 
## than using market price of gambling. however, compared to Q1, 
## gambling in 2012 gives better prediction (due to lack of competition) 

章末問題解答(1章-1) Rコード
章末問題解答(1章-2) Rコード https://www.econ-stat-grad.com/entry/statistics/qss/solution/ch1-2www.econ-stat-grad.com
