
人間万事塞翁が馬を大切にしている応用経済学徒. 2020年4月から開発・計量・プログラミング関連の記事を書きます.

社会科学のためのデータ分析入門 章末問題解答(3章-3) Rコード



はじめに (Textbook Solution: Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction )


I would highly appreciate if you could point out mistakes.

2章-1 (Chapter2 - Section 1)


## Chapter 3 Measurement
## Exercise Solution

setwd("~/qss/CAUSALITY") # ご自身のディレクトリを選択

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## The author of this script uses Japanese-Version QSS.
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## Section 3
## Q1

un <- read.csv("unvoting.csv")

## in the year 1980 & 2000
un80 <- un[c(un$Year == "1980"), ]
un00 <- un[c(un$Year == "2000"), ]
dim(un80); dim(un00)

## plot histgrams
hist(un80$idealpoint, col = "#0000ff40", border = "#0000ff")
abline(v = median(un80$idealpoint), lty = "dashed", col = "red")
hist(un00$idealpoint, col = "#ff00ff40", border = "#ff00ff")
abline(v = median(un00$idealpoint), lty = "dashed", col = "blue")

## Extra work: plotting hists in one picture (using "add = TRUE").
hist(un80$idealpoint, col = "#0000ff40", border = "#0000ff",
     xlab = "", main = "Estimated Ideal Point in 1980", 
     xlim = c(-3, 3), ylim = c(0, 60))
abline(v = median(un80$idealpoint), lty = "dashed", col = "red")
text(0.5, 50, "median(-0.09)", col = "red")

hist(un00$idealpoint, col = "#ff00ff40", border = "#ff00ff", 
     add = TRUE)
abline(v = median(un00$idealpoint), lty = "dashed", col = "blue")
text(-0.5, 60, "median(-0.35)", col = "blue")

cols <- c("#0000ff40", "#ff00ff40")
legend("topright", c("1980", "2000"), col = cols, pch = 19)

## calculate quantiles

## Q2

## time-series plot
trans.us <- tapply(un$PctAgreeUS, un$Year, mean)
trans.russia <- tapply(un$PctAgreeRUSSIA, un$Year, mean)

plot(names(trans.us), trans.us, type = "l", col = "deepskyblue", 
     ylim = c(0, 0.9), xlab = "Year", ylab = "", 
     main = "Transition: Mean Percentage of Agree with US & Russia")
text(2010, 0.1, "US", col = "deepskyblue")
lines(names(trans.russia), trans.russia, type = "l", col = "pink")
text(2010, 0.6, "Russia", col = "pink")

## Find the countries where support the US & Russia the most. 
usMost <- tapply(un$PctAgreeUS, un$CountryName, mean)
russiaMost <- tapply(un$PctAgreeRUSSIA, un$CountryName, mean)

## [2] finds the socond highest element
## We can also get result w/o [2]
sort(usMost, decreasing = TRUE)[2]
sort(russiaMost, decreasing = TRUE)[2]

## FYI: Command which.max gets the place of maximum number.
## However now we need to find the socond best because US and Russia
## have obviously concordance rate 1. 
which.max(russiaMost) # length 143
russiaMost[143] # finds 143th element

## Q3

## Create subsets of US & Russia.
usIde <- subset(un, un$CountryName == "United States of America")
russiaIde <- subset(un, un$CountryName == "Russia")

## Create subsets.
usIde <- usIde[, c("Year", "idealpoint")]
russiaIde <- russiaIde[, c("Year", "idealpoint")]
medianIde <- tapply(un$idealpoint, un$Year, median)

## Plot transition. 
plot(usIde, type = "l", ylim = c(-3, 3), col = "red")
lines(russiaIde, type = "l", col = "blue")
lines(names(medianIde), medianIde, lty = "dashed")
text(2010, 3, "US", col = "red")
text(2010, 0.6, "Russia", col = "blue")
text(2010, -1, "UN-Median")

## Q4

## Soviet Union subset
soviet <- subset(un, subset = (CountryName == "Estonia") | 
         (CountryName == "Latvia") | 
         (CountryName == "Lithuania") | 
         (CountryName == "Belarus") | 
         (CountryName == "Moldova") | 
         (CountryName == "Ukraine") | 
         (CountryName == "Armenia") | 
         (CountryName == "Azerbaijan") | 
         (CountryName == "Georgia") | 
         (CountryName == "Kazakhstan") |
         (CountryName == "Kyrgyzstan") |
         (CountryName == "Tajikistan") |
         (CountryName == "Turkmenistan") |
         (CountryName == "Uzbekistan") |
         (CountryName == "Russia") 

## 2012 data
un2012 <- un[c(un$Year == "2012"), ]
soviet2012 <- soviet[c(soviet$Year == "2012"), ]

a <- un2012$CountryName %in% soviet2012$CountryName

## Soviet Union dummy
un2012$sov <- NA
un2012$sov <- ifelse((un2012$CountryName %in% soviet2012$CountryName) == TRUE, 1, 0)

un2012a <- subset(un2012, un2012$sov == 0)
un2012a <- un2012a[, c("idealpoint", "PctAgreeUS")]
soviet2012a <- soviet2012[, c("idealpoint", "PctAgreeUS")]

## Plot 2 groups in 1 picture. 
plot(0, 0, type = "n", 
     xlim = c(min(un2012a$idealpoint), max(un2012a$idealpoint)), 
     ylim = c(min(un2012a$PctAgreeUS), max(un2012a$PctAgreeUS)), 
     xlab = "idealpoint", ylab = "percentage agree with US", 
     main = "Soviet & non-Soviet in 2012")

points(un2012a, pch = 22, col = "blue")
points(soviet2012a, pch = 20, col = "red")

## same way to plot the points. 
points(un2012a$idealpoint, un2012a$PctAgreeUS, pch = 22, col = "deepskyblue") 
points(soviet2012a$idealpoint, soviet2012a$PctAgreeUS, pch = 20, col = "red") 

## There exists storong correlation b/w idealpoint & PctAgreeUS. 
## Tendency seems to be the same b/w Soviet and non-Soviet countries. 

## Q5

## Create non-Soviet subset
un$sov <- NA
un$sov <- ifelse((un$CountryName %in% soviet$CountryName) == TRUE, 1, 0)

un.sov <- subset(un, un$sov == 0)

trans.sov.m <- tapply(soviet$idealpoint, soviet$Year, median)
trans.un.m <- tapply(un.sov$idealpoint, un.sov$Year, median)

## plot lines
plot(names(trans.sov.m), trans.sov.m, type = "l", 
     xlab = "", ylab = "median ideal point", col = "red",
     ylim = c(-3, 1))
lines(names(trans.un.m), trans.un.m, type = "l", col = "blue")
abline(v = 1989, lty = "dashed") # Fall of the Berlin Wall
text(2007, 0.5, "Soviet", col = "red")
text(2000, -0.2, "non-Soviet", col = "blue")
text(1985, 1, "Fall of the Berlin Wall")

章末問題解答(1章-1) Rコード
章末問題解答(1章-2) Rコード https://www.econ-stat-grad.com/entry/statistics/qss/solution/ch1-2www.econ-stat-grad.com
